Thursday 3 December 2015

Pitch feedback and reflecions

Pitch feedback and reflections- Reflect personally on your pitch

What did you do well?

Personally I think that I spoke clearly and effectively throughout delivering my pitch. I also believe that I was thorough with speaking about the history of Unilever and going through it step by step as the company changes. I also think that I was able to communicate with the audience as well as not using my Queue cards as much as I thought I was going too which allowed me to be more in contact with the audience.

What would I do differently?

If I were to do this task again then I would ensure to go through every piece of information, as i am aware that I accidentally missed out the explanation of my re brand advert synopsis. I also believe that I thought I was speaking too quickly for anyone to read the information provided on the presentation, if I were to do this again then i would be sure to pace myself when going through the presentation to make sure that all of the information is explained and more thorough with all of the pieces of information. I would also try not to stutter whist speaking.

What was the class feedback?

After my presentation the class gave me feedback. The feedback which I received from everyone was that I had a fluent and projected voice. One student mentioned that my voice was nice to listen to whilst I was talking. Another student mentioned my information that I included was understandable and there was enough included to explain what was needed. I was also told that I had varied slides on my prezi however I needed more explanation on my actual concept and my idea. According to my feedback I communicated with the audience well and I also used good and the correct terminology. 

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