Thursday 12 May 2016

The nature and purposes of research

Primary research

Primary research is self generated research such as surveys and questionnaires; interviews; observations and forums.
The primary research which I conducted includes; a survey/questionnaire based on peoples views about special effects makeup in a film; previous pictures; pictures of the areas in which I will be using to film and I conducted an interview with a student which I used in my documentary considering her views on SPFX makeup in the filming industry.
In the industry, primary research is used by contacting anyone who they may want to interview in their production, they may also send questionnaires to people who are relevant. An example of primary research in the industry:

Create your own user feedback survey

Example of questions I asked in the interview:
1. Can you explain what special effects makeup is?
2. Do you think that special effects makeup is important in a film?
3. How do you feel about the makeup industry?

Secondary research

Secondary research is research which I haven't conducted but other people have conducted the research which may be relevant to myself and my own work. This means using a summary of other peoples collected research.
The secondary research which I conducted includes; Online websites so I could look at other makeup artists work; Newspaper articles, using articles helped me to know how other artists got into the industry. I also watched other SPFX documentaries.
In the industry, secondary research is used by watching other peoples productions to get information from their experiences. They may also use magazine and newspaper articles to collect information. when using other peoples information and research they must reference their findings with their work. An example of this would be:

Example of documentaries:

Examples of websites used:

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is  based on statistics and ratings, so it is the collected numbers in research. This may include box office figures; sales on CD's and DVD's and any programme ratings. Another may include hits on a website, for example how many people shared an online article.
Some quantitative research which I have conducted would include my survey/questionnaire collecting statistics from a group of people. This will show peoples opinions on a certain topic in a collected number or rating. Another example would be YouTube ratings and any figures which may relate to that YouTube video, this will show how many have watched that particular video.
In the industry, they will use quantitative research to use figures from programme ratings to figure out which programme to show their production on in order to achieve highest ratings. An example of this would be:

Some examples of survey answers:

Examples of YouTube ratings:

Examples of website ratings:

Qualitative research

Qualitative research involves peoples views and opinions which is difficult to collect in groups of data because they are in more detail. This means that the qualitative research have more quality in the answers given.
Qualitative research will include; film reviews; fanzine websites; attitudes towards media products and responses to advertising campaigns. In my research I used was the detailed survey answers, I used this to get an understanding from other peoples responses of my proposed idea.
In the industry they will use qualitative research in order to get a more detailed idea from some survey answers in order to get a more detailed idea of peoples opinions to accommodate for those views.

Examples of detailed answers:

Data gathering agencies

B.A.R.B (Broadasters Audience Reaserch Board) - B.A.R.B is an establishment which gathers collective information based on how many people watch a programme on a certain channel in a certain amount of time. By doing this they can see what channels are the most popular, this is judged by the audience viewing figures.

R.A.J.A.R (Radio Joint Audience Research) - R.A.J.A.R is the ritualistic body in control of calculating radio audiences in the United Kingdom.

I.M.D.B (Internet Movie Data Base) - I.M.D.B is a website where you can search and look at ; Movies; Television programmes; Celebrity news and any Media related news.

Boxofficemojo - Box office mojo is a company which measures the viewings on different films and compares the old ranking figures to the more recent ranking figures to compare them.

The industry may use data gathering agencies because they will research the viewing statistics of specific channel to know where to show the production on in order to get high view ratings and rankings.

A.B.C (Audit Bureau of Circulations)

N.R.S (National Readership survey)

Audience and market research

A few examples of audience and market research would be; Audience data and audience profiling; consumer behaviour and consumer attitudes; competition and competitor analysis; as well as advertising placement and advertising effects.
During the pre-production of my documentary I used was a survey towards my age range from 16-60 years of both genders and of all ethnicity's. I done this to know if those people I sent the questionnaires to would be interested in my product and if I needed to make any changes.  I conducted a survey for both re branding Dove and for my documentary.
In the industry, they may use audience and market research to analyse if they are needing to make any changed to their decided production. This research will also be used to see if their production will be appropriate for their targeted audience of choice.

Examples of my Dove survey:

Examples of documentary survey:

Production research

 Some examples of production research may include: Content, viability, finance, technological resources, personnel and locations.
The industry will use production research to organise their paper work and they use this research to ensure that everything is in place to use with permissions and any financial complications and agreements.
During the pre-production of my documentary I conducted was different paper work to get permission to use certain locations and to use the AV room at collage to use equipment and so I could finalize my finances if needed, however finances was not needed for my production. I needed minor and adult releases to get permission to have them appear in my documentary. The technological resources I used; DLSR camera, zoom mic, road mic, tripod and SD cards. I got permission to use them from AV.

Examples of paperwork:

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