Monday 18 January 2016

Dove survey Evaluation

Create your own user feedback survey

The brief

The brief was to chose and re brand a Unilever product to a different target audience. The aim was too create an advert for that product, aiming it towards our new chosen target audience.

The Unilever product we decided to re brand was Dove.
 As a group we decided to re brand this product by presenting each of our ideas to the class, then being allocated to a group with each of our ideas to then agree on the one we all favoured the most.

The current target audience for Dove is 25-30 to 50-60 year old women.

We decided to re brand the product Dove to 14-20 year old, of both genders. We decided to appeal to this age range because we wanted to make it  to people for our age range specifically, we did this by using actors who are of the targeted age range as well as using colourful blocked back ground for each of the actors.

The finished product and feedback

We collected the feedback for our finished advert from the new target audience by creating a survey on We then sent the survey and a link of the finished advert via email to friends and family. Everyone who responded to the advert and completed the survey said that the advert was fair and very simple however effective. The majority of people said it was very well put together with a strong message which comes across.

I think that we were able and achieved the objective of being able to get the main message to our specified target audience. I think that the advert did have an appropriate and a positive impact upon them because the actors say what they both dislike and like about themselves as well as hearing what other people genuinely like about each other, it has a positive impact on the audience because it is relatable to them, realising they are not on their own.

The mise-en-scene in the advert includes a white background for the first half, then colour changing background for the second half; we had a background colour change for each person, so each person had a different coloured background. On screen, all you can see is the different person talking each time the camera cuts to a new person on alternate sides of the screen. The lighting on the screen could have been placed batter when filming however most of the shadows were solved during post-production. The camera work whilst production was always on a tripod when filming people talking however for the last shot of the products we connected the camera to a slider for a specific shot. Post-production (editing) did go exactly to plan and exactly how we planned it to be in the pre-production. We recorded all of the sound other than the soundtracks with a road microphone which was connected to the camera, most of the sound had a fuzz like sound all of the way through along with the dialogue. We removed this as much as possible during editing.

Personally, I think that our finished advert does sell the product effectively due to the fact that 71.43% of people who completed the survey said that they would consider buying the product after watching the re branded advert. I also think that the rebranded advert sells the product to the specified audience because the actors who appeared in the advert are of the age range of the audience so it is relatable.

The effectiveness of the persuasion techniques we used to sell the product: I believe that it was very effective because it had subtle persuasion which allows the audience to think that if they use the product it will make them feel happier and more comfortable with themselves or to love your insecurities.
A - We attracted the audience attention by using colourful backgrounds for each actor in the advert.
I- We aroused the audience's interest by implying that because we used this product we feel better and happier about ourselves.
D- We stimulate desire by suggesting that it will allow them to have a better self value.
A- In our advert we did not promote any action, we did not create any urgency to purchase the product.

The main message which we tried to get to get across to our target audience and I think we have also achieved this; to simply love yourself and always to focus on the positives of everything. We wanted people of our age to realize that no matter how pressured you may or may not be to conform to society's definition of  perfection' you must know your self worth and to realize other peoples beauty too. That is why we used young actors telling us what they both dislike and love about themselves as well as other people. There is no discrimination in our re branded Dove advert,  the product is open and available to all races and all genders.

Personally, I am happy with the final outcome of our created advert, I think we have achieved the objectives which we were originally set to do and it also looks professional, along with using professional equipment and software.

Personal reflection

Our final advertisement compares really well with our original intentions relating it back to the storyboard and to the beginning image in our heads. The final advertisement did compare very well with the pre-production paper work.
I am very satisfied with the final production it is exactly how we had down on paper and it is how we wanted it to be produced. If I were to undertake the project again then I would ensure that all of the shots with the actors are in focus first time so we didn't have to use post production time to re shoot anything unfocused. I think my involvement with the project was satisfactory, I used the camera, I was also in front of the camera and I was also involved with the post production with editing as well as the pre production. If I were to do this task again then I would be more involved with the camera and equipment work because I feel as though I didn't use the equipment as often as I would have liked too.

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