Thursday 14 April 2016

Documentary sysnopsis

My production idea

My production idea is to create a documentary about my hobby doing special effects makeup. My idea is to have a series of different images of my personal work on different people as well as myself. My plan is to have some shots of my doing the makeup on people but in post production I intend to speed up the footage of me doing the makeup with music and possibly come voice over commentary. I intend to talk about how I began my path of special effects makeup and how i plan to pursue it with some secrets and tricks.
The format of my special effects documentary will be an observational documentary; I will be filming me personally showing my work and how I do things, also documenting how the people (who am doing other makeup on) How they feel about my work. The genre I am aiming to make my documentary on is educational, I want to be able to educate people the wider things in that industry and open to people about how it is to me personally.

My primary audience I am aiming towards would be people who are interested in the media industry, wanting to know how to get into the world of film and television. This would mostly be students in collage or university with a demographic of; unemployed and students, (category E) The psychographic audience for this would be explorers.  My secondary audience would be people who want to learn how to be more individualistic, who want to learn to pursue things they know they can do. My aim is for them to be my secondary audience because I want those type of people to know that regardless of the situation you may be in, there is always something to keep you, you. The demographic for my secondary audience would be: semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers. (Category D) The pschographic for my product would be Explorers also.

The aim for my documentary is to encourage people to pursue what they want to do in life. To gain more confidence and to be persistent but patient. Creating my chosen documentary I hope to achieve a high standard three minute wonder and I hope that it will inspire other people to follow on to what they want to personally do regardless of what it is.

To film my documentary I will need to film in collage, i will possibly need W16 with a green screen after collage hours to complete the makeup looks with a blank white background. I will also need an open area to film outside of collage. I may need to travel to the high street or to Great Yarmouth town centre.

I will of course be part of the documentary along with other volunteers for me to do the makeup on them. I will not be needing other crew members but I would like to get an experts opinion on special effects makeup and the industry, i think it would be beneficial to have their back story as a part of my documentary.

The only equipment I will be needing is: a DLSR camera, Tripod, Shoulder rig, 50mm lense and a microphone. I will be needing my makeup which I already obtain and possibly an alic in wonderland dress which i already obtain as well.

My proposed budget for this 3 minute wonder is £5.

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